Language Arts - 1st/3rd/4th
Communication/ Media/
Reading/Grammar/ Writing
THEME: Heroism, Sacrifice, and Adversity
SKILLS TARGETED: Conflict/Resolution, Character Development, Compare/Contrast, Tone/Mood, Draw Conclusions/Inferences, Cause/Effect
STRATEGY FOCUS: Background Knowledge/Making Connections, Determine Importance, Question, Visualize, Infer/Predict/Draw Conclusions, Summarize/Synthesize, Self-Monitor/Metacognition
6.1a-j The student will use effective oral communication skills in a variety of settings.
6.2a-d Use effective verbal and nonverbal communication to deliver multimodal presentations as well as using language and vocabulary appropriate to audience, give collaborative and individual interactive presentations, paraphrase/summarize key information.
6.4a, b, c Identify word origins and derivations, use roots, affixes, synonyms and antonyms, use context and sentence structure to determine word meanings.
6.4e Use word-reference materials.
6.4f Extend general and cross curricular vocabulary.
6.5a Identify the elements of narrative structure, including setting, character, plot, conflict, and theme.
6.5b Describe cause and effect relationships and their impact on plot.
6.5c Explain how an author uses character development to drive conflict and resolution.
6.5e Describe how word choice and imagery contribute to the meaning of a text (tone/mood).
6.5f Draw conclusions and make inferences using the text for support.
6.5i Compare/Contrast details in literary and informational nonfiction texts.
6.5k, 6.6k Use reading strategies to monitor comprehension.
6.6e Draw conclusions and make inferences based on explicit and implied information.
6.6f Identify the author's organizational pattern.
6.6i Identify cause and effect relationships.
6.6j Analyze ideas within and between selections.
6.7a-d Engage in writing as a recursive process, choose audience, use prewriting strategies, organize to fit topic.
6.7e, f, h Write multi paragraph narratives with elaboration and structure to include: characters, plot, setting and point of view, with a central idea and an organized structure
6.7g Compose a thesis statement for expository and persuasive writing.
6.7i, j Use transition words and phrases and select vocabulary to enhance central idea, tone and voice.
6.7k, l Expand and embed ideas by using modifiers, standard coordination, and subordinations in complete sentences as well as revise writing for clarity of content including specific vocabulary and information.
6.8a-d The student will self and peer edit for subject-verb agreement, pronoun-antecedent agreement, consistent verb tense as well as eliminate double negatives.
6.8e Use quotation marks with dialogue.
6.8f Choose adverbs to describe verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs.
6.8g Use correct spelling for frequently used words.
6.8h Use subordinating and coordinating conjunctions.
6.9 a-f The student will find, evaluate, and select appropriate resources to create a research product.
THEME: Diversity
SKILLS TARGETED: Compare/Contrast, Conflict/Resolution, Main Idea/Details (nonfiction), Sequencing, Summarizing, Genre Characteristics
STRATEGY FOCUS: Background Knowledge/Making Connections, Determine Importance, Question, Visualize, Infer/Predict/Draw Conclusions, Summarize/Synthesize, Self-Monitor/Metacognition
APPROXIMATE TIME: Weeks 5-8, Followed by ACPS Assessments Week 9
6.1a-j The student will use effective oral communication skills in a variety of settings.
6.2a-d Use effective verbal and nonverbal communication to deliver multimodal presentations as well as using language and vocabulary appropriate to audience, give collaborative and individual interactive presentations, paraphrase/summarize key information.
6.3a,b Compare and contrast techniques as well as identifying the characteristics and effectiveness of a variety of media messages.
6.3c,d Interpret information presented in diverse media formats and explain how it contributes to the topic
6.4a, b, c Identify word origins and derivations, use roots, affixes, synonyms and antonyms, use context and sentence structure to determine word meanings.
6.4e Use word-reference materials.
6.4f Extend general and cross curricular vocabulary.
6.5a Identify the elements of narrative structure, including setting, character, plot, conflict, and theme.
6.5c Character development to drive conflict/resolution.
6.5g Identify the characteristics of genres.
6.5i Compare/Contrast details in literary and informational nonfiction texts.
6.5k, 6.6k Use reading strategies to monitor comprehension.
6.6b, d Identify main idea, summarize supporting details, create an objective summary.
6.6j Analyze ideas within and between selections, providing textual evidence.
6.7a-d Engage in writing as a recursive process, choose audience, use prewriting strategies, organize to fit topic.
6.7e, f, h Write multi paragraph narratives with elaboration and structure to include: characters, plot, setting and point of view, with a central idea and an organized structure.
6.7i, j Use transition words and phrases and select vocabulary to enhance central idea, tone and voice.
6.7k, l Expand and embed ideas by using modifiers, standard coordination, and subordinations in complete sentences as well as revise writing for clarity of content including specific vocabulary and information.
6.8a-d The student will self and peer edit for subject-verb agreement, pronoun-antecedent agreement, consistent verb tense as well as eliminate double negatives.
6.8e Use quotation marks with dialogue.
6.8f Choose adverbs to describe verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs.
6.8g Use correct spelling for frequently used words.
6.8h Use subordinating and coordinating conjunctions.
6.9 a-f The student will find, evaluate, and select appropriate resources to create a research product.
Prefix Flashcards
Root Flashcards
Suffix Flashcards
**Students need to be reading daily to participate in incentive activities!!
PLEASE check often with your child to confirm they have the supplies they need. We go through pencils and multiple packs of loose-leaf paper in less than 9 weeks. Tissues are also a "hot" commodity!! :)